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Leaving a review

This page will walk you through how to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. Reviews make a huge difference to authors, especially for independent publishers as they help train the algorithm that recommends books to new readers. If you enjoyed the Sarah Black books, I'd be very grateful for a review. You don't have to use your full name if you'd rather stay anonymous.

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How to leave a review

How to leave an Amazon review:

1. Follow this link which should take you to your local Amazon shop:


2. Click on the ratings - follow the yellow pointer on the image on the right.

3. Click on 'Write a customer review' - you can edit the name under which your review appears if you'd rather not use your full name or real name

How to leave a Goodreads review

To leave a Goodreads review you will need an account.


1. Go to


2. If you already have an account with Facebook, Amazon or Apple you can use this to sign in. Otherwise, sign up using your email.

3. Search for Lucy Hooft in the search bar. This is easier than searching by title as there are so many books on this site with the same title.


Unless you want to leave a review for something different...

4. Click on a star rating. Once you have chosen the number of stars,it will then give you the option to write a full review.

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